Hello! I'm Andrew Gardner
I am a educator, researcher, consultant, public speaker, and project manager with a proven track record working with both small and larger initiatives. I currently teach in the Integrated Studies Program at Mercer University in Macon, GA.
I am originally from Yorktown, VA, and I received my PhD from Florida State University in American Religious History in 2020. In addition to my training in the academic study of religion, I also have theological training and have served in leadership capacities in a variety of progressive Baptist organizations including the Alliance of Baptists and Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty (BJC).
Public Speaking and Consulting
I regularly teach, preach, and lead programming in religious congregations. I also have significant experience writing, consulting, and implementing large and small grant projects.
Recent Scholarship
My most recent book examines the history of Binkley Memorial Baptist Church in Chapel Hill, NC. The project follows the history of a progressive Baptist congregation in the American South. My current project is tentatively titled Minister Factory: The Politics of Theological Education in Early America and is under contract with the University of North Carolina Press.